

您当前的位置:首页 >江苏省 > 常州市 >新北区 >常州天环净化设备有限公司
今天是 02月05 星期三

常州天环净化设备有限公司是一家致力于废气处理设备的高新技术企业。拥有在职职工110多人;技术人员占总职工人数的30%,工程师4人,工程师7人,中技师9人,项目管理师3人,环境监理工程师12人。公司主要产品有污染治理设备:光化学离子废气净化装置、酸碱废气净化塔、有毒有害废气吸收塔、不锈钢燃烧塔、有机废气VOC浓缩吸附脱附焚烧装置、尾气干法吸附剂、恶臭气体生物除臭成套设备; FRP、PP、不锈钢系列容器、储罐、酸洗槽、电解槽、管道、管件等耐腐蚀设备、冷却塔、洗涤塔、吸收塔、净化塔、耐腐蚀风机与环境工程的技术研究、开发、设计与咨询。   公司从事工业废气治理及除臭,废水治理一体化系统, 节能技术和装备,污染治理系统营运托管服务。承接总体工程项目的设计和建设、设备加工和供货、设施运营和维护、技术咨询和营运托管业务。   公司以安全、、经济、实用为核心,公司不断的研发新的高新技术,以先进的技术工艺、高性价比、完善的售后服务体系取的了良好的社会效益,为人类环保事业做出巨大的贡献。以高度的社会责任感、国际的技术水平,与有识之士共同携手,应对日益凸显的环境挑战,捍卫美丽中国! Changzhou sky purification equipment Co., Ltd. is a high-tech enterprise dedicated to waste gas treatment equipment. There are more than 110 employees on the job; professional and technical personnel account for 30% of the total number of workers; 4 senior engineers, 7 engineers, 9 senior technicians, 3 senior project managers and 12 environmental supervision engineers. Our main products are: photochemical ion pollution control equipment, waste gas purification device, waste gas purification tower, toxic and harmful gas absorption tower, steel tower, VOC concentrated combustion of organic waste gas adsorption desorption incineration device, exhaust dry sorbent, malodorous gas biological deodorization equipment; FRP, PP, stainless steel series, pickling tank, storage tank, container electrolyzer, piping and fittings corrosion equipment, cooling tower, washing tower, absorption tower, purification tower, corrosion fan and environmental engineering technology research, development, design and consulting. Company specializes in industrial wastewater and waste gas deodorizing governance, governance system integration, energy efficient technology and equipment, pollution control system operating hosting service. To undertake the overall design and construction of engineering projects, equipment processing and supply, facilities operation and maintenance, technical advice and operation trusteeship. Company is safe, efficient, economical and practical as the core, continue the development of new high-tech company, with advanced technology, high price and perfect customer service service system for the good social benefits, and make great contributions to the cause of human environmental protection. With a high sense of social responsibility, the international leading technical level, with the people of insight to work together to cope with the increasingly prominent environmental challenges, to defend the beautiful china!   我们秉承“合作双赢”的发展理念和“没有较好,只有更好”的服务理念,不断推动护栏产品的升级换代。欢迎社会各界精英来厂参观指导。

公司名称 常州天环净化设备有限公司
所 在 地 江苏省 常州新闸镇凌家村委大江村28号
